What Is Andropause & How It Can Be Treated Naturally
Most consider aged-based hormonal changes are a phenomenon only affecting the female half of the population. While it’s true that women tend to experience more drastic changes in their endocrine systems throughout their lives – men also face some hormonal alterations of their own.
Where do hormones such as testosterone come from?
The pituitary gland is the “master” of hormone distribution in our bodies. This pea-sized organ, tucked comfortably into our brainstem, regularly sends signals to the body's hormone-releasing organs, such as the pancreas or adrenal glands.
What does the pituitary gland do and how does it work?
Many factors can affect how active our pituitary glands are. During puberty, they’re activated to emit growth hormone, which stimulates the growth of secondary sex features in both sexes. During the menopause, women’s pituitary gland enacts the cessation of hormones required for fertility.
For men, there’s no “final” decision made by the pituitary gland; however, it slows over the years.
Men’s fluctuating testosterone levels
Testosterone production in males reaches its maximum at about age 17, with levels remaining high for two or three decades.
While there is a steady drop off in hormone levels throughout male’s lives, the decrease rate accelerates to 2% a year from the ages of 30 to 40.
Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men’s health. Produced in the testes, it maintains steady mental and physical energy, promotes muscle mass, regulates your fight-or-flight response, and forms other key evolutionary features.
So, while men’s testosterone levels are expected to drop, rapid decreases can lead to persistent physical and mental health issues.
What is andropause and why is it so hotly debated?
The word “andropause” was recently coined as a term for the phenomenon that causes low levels in some middle-aged men. It describes age-related changes in male hormone levels. The same group of symptoms is also known as testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency, and late-onset hypogonadism.
There’s been speculation in the media and academic spheres as to whether andropause is a verifiable ailment or not. As of now, research is being undertaken to determine if male menopause is the root cause of low testosterone in middle-aged men or simply down to dwindling hormone levels.
While the media have regularly likened andropause to menopause, the truth is they’re somewhat different.
Andropause vs. menopause
In women, ovulation ends, and hormone production plummets during a relatively short period of time. This biological phenomenon is known as menopause. For men, andropause is not a natural part of their life and reproductive cycle. Fertility does not end, and not all men experience it.
Who’s most likely to have andropause?
Factors contributing to andropause:
· BMI over 30
· Aged 30-40 years or older
· Lack of sleep
· poor diet
· Excessive alcohol consumption or smoking
· Poor self-esteem
A key fact to remember is that the condition affects only 2.1 percent of males. While that’s considered a low number, it’s worth noting that figures may not be accurate. Due to the stigma surrounding men’s health, it’s expected that some men will be reluctant to come forward with related symptoms.
Moreover, while some men may have low testosterone that affects them physically and mentally, they may not fit the criteria for andropause. In fact, around 10% to 25% of men over the age of 40 are considered to have low testosterone levels.
Possible alternative causes of andropause or low testosterone levels
Testosterone deficiencies can be attributed to numerous causes that develops later in life. One of these being late-onset hypogonadism which can sometimes be responsible for similar symptoms to male menopause.
Stress, depression, or anxiety can also contribute to low testosterone. However, most worryingly is that some serious underlying conditions can cause hormone imbalances making it important to contact a medical professional if you feel you may be experiencing anything out of the ordinary.
Common symptoms of andropause
Due to the unpredictable nature of hormones, they can often affect bodies in widely different ways. However, the following symptoms are the most common and regularly appear in andropause studies.
· Low energy
· Depression or “persistent feelings of lowness”
· Decreased motivation – a sense of hopelessness and loss of interest in work, hobbies, or relationships.
· Lowered self-confidence
· Difficulty focusing
· Sleeping problems such as oversleeping or insomnia
· Increased body fat
· Reduced muscle mass and feelings of weakness
· Gynecomastia, or development of breasts
· Erectile dysfunction
Loss of body hair and hot flushes are also symptoms of andropause. Moreover, Andropause has also been linked to osteoporosis which is the weakening of bones.
How is andropause diagnosed?
As of now, many health professionals cite men’s reluctance to get checked as the biggest roadblock in the treatment of andropause. A level of “intimidation,” fear, or shame is pervasive around men’s fertility issues. This can lead men to ignore symptoms and not consult a medical health professional.
The testing process is through with medical professionals often performing two or three tests to confirm low testosterone levels. The preferred testing method is blood sampling.
If low testosterone is confirmed, further testing of the pituitary gland may be undertaken to determine the cause and rule out other hormone deficiencies.
Treatment option for male menopause
If the results suggest you have a testosterone deficiency, you may be referred to an endocrinologist, a hormone problem specialist. If the case is not considered severe, you’ll probably manage your symptoms without treatment.
Treatment plans generally include:
· Eating a balanced diet
· Getting regular exercise
· Sleeping for the recommended amount of hours
· Reducing stress
However, in more severe cases where the patient’s life is disrupted due to andropause, a more intensive treatment plan is often required.
This treatment may include:
· Tablets
· Patches
· Gels
· Hormone-releasing implants
· Injections
2018, the Endocrine Society recommended testosterone therapy for men with age-related low testosterone who have signs and symptoms associated with low testosterone.
But there are some dangers involved Though further research is needed, testosterone therapy might stimulate the growth of metastatic prostate and breast cancer. Testosterone therapy may also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke and contribute to the formation of blood clots in the veins.
As a result, some medical health experts are reluctant to administer any “hormone-heavy” drug to their andropause patients.
Safe Treatment Methods?
Looking further afield, there’s a community of men who are self-medicating using natural hormonal treatment formulas to positive results. Organic hormone corrective formulas such as <a href=” https://www.exirsaffron.com/Menopause-Perimenopause-Mood-Energy-Estrogen-Free”> Belle De Nuit. </a>
Belle De Nuit is an impressive menopause supplement that can reequilibrate and promote the management of hormones in both males and females. The formula is entirely estrogen-free, meaning that it’s safe for male consumption. Belle De Nuit uses an all-natural mix of Magnesium (oxide), Raspberry Ketone, and Saffron Extract to correct hormone imbalances and return the body to its natural equilibrium.
Belle de Nuit will re-establish your body’s hormonal balance, increase libido, improve sexual performance, reduce difficulty sleeping, speed up weight loss, and help against the mood-changing effects of low testosterone.
Final Thoughts
Hormone fluctuations are a natural part of life and nothing to be ashamed of or alarmed by. While we can’t yet be sure if “male menopause” is a verifiable condition, we know that low-testosterone symptoms can have significant adverse effects on men’s mental and physical health. As a result, their ability to live their day-to-day lives is hindered.
It’s best to solve the hormone balance as quickly as possible using natural or all-organic remedies that can gently coax the body’s systems back to equilibrium. Natural remedies are not only kind on all of the body’s systems but also produce little to no bothersome side effects or serious long-term illnesses. Moreover, they promote a sustainable treatment plan that can help stave off andropause for the long run.