International Journal of Modular Science - Spain 2019
Topic: Saffron and Glaucoma
shown daily supplementation with saffron with high crocin may protect
retinal ganglioncell degeneration in the eye, decrease the intraocular
pressure, and significant improvement in glaucomatous pathology.

College of Pharmacy, Keimyung University, Republic of Korea 2018
Saffron carotenoids and liver cancer cells
The present study provides evidence that saffron crocin has the potential for anticancer activity, especially in liver cancer.
Avicenna Journal of Phytomed - 2015
Topic: Saffron and its constituents on nervous system
Sativus Crocus L. (Saffron) and its anticonvulsant, anti-alzheimer, antidepressant, anti-schizophrenia, anti-Parkinson, neuro-inflammation, Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the extracts of C. sativus and its constituents (crocetin, crocins, safranal) implies saffron therapeutic potential for various nervous system disorders. Based on the literature, beneficial effects of the plant and its components on neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease are mainly due to their interactions with cholinergic, dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems. It is assumed that saffron anticonvulsant and analgesic properties and its effects on morphine withdrawal and rewarding properties of morphine might be due to an interaction between saffron, GABA and opioid system.

University Of L’Aquila Visual Neuroscience, Italy – 2014
Topic: Saffron and Retina: Neuro-protection and pharmacokinetic
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a retinal neurodegenerative disease whose development and progression are the results of a complex interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. Both oxidative stress and chronic inflammation play a significant role in the pathogenesis of AMD. Recently, a randomized clinical trial showed that in patients with early AMD, dietary supplementation with saffron was able to improve significantly the retinal flicker sensitivity suggesting neuroprotective effect of the compound. Here, we examine the progress of saffron dietary supplementation both in animal model and AMD patients, and discuss the potential and safety for using dietary saffron to treat retinal degeneration.

Natural Medicine Journal – 2012
Topic: Saffron for sexual dysfunction in women
At the end of the 4th week, the women in the saffron group experienced significantly more improvements in their total Female Sexual Function Index score, as well as arousal and lubrication.
L.Psychopharmacology 2012
Topic: Saffron and Fluoxetine-induced sexual impairment in men
This was
a 4-week randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Thirty-six married
male patients with major depressive disorder whose depressive symptoms had been
stabilized on fluoxetine and had subjective complaints of sexual impairment
entered the study. The patients were randomly assigned to saffron (15mg twice per day) or placebo
for 4weeks. International Index of Erectile Function scale was used to assess
sexual function at baseline and weeks 2 and 4. Conclusions:
Saffron is a tolerable and efficacious treatment for fluoxetine-related
erectile dysfunction.

Medical Research Center, University Of Alberta, Canada – 2011
Topic: Saffron and Neuro-inflammation (multiple sclerosis)
A compound in saffron, known as crocin, that exerts a protective effect in brain cell cultures and other models of MS, helps damaged cells that make myelin (insulation around nerves) in the brain. MS is characterized by inflamed brain cells that have lost this productive insulation, which ultimately leads to neuro degeneration. Saffron and Multiple-Sclerosis
Hepatology Journal – American Ass. For The Study Of Liver Diseases – 2011
Topic: Saffron and Liver cancer
New research suggests that saffron provides a significant chemopreventive effect against liver cancer in animal models. When saffron was administered to rats with diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced liver cancer an inhibition of cell proliferation and stimulation of apoptosis was observed. Saffron shows promise in preventing liver cancer
Review Article Tehran Heart Center – J2011
Topic: Saffron and Heart Disease Protection
Antioxidants in saffron tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The flavonoids, especially lycopene, found in saffron can provide added protection. A clinical trial at the Department of Medicine and Indigenous Drug Research Center showed positive effects of saffron on cardiovascular diseases. The study involved 20 participants, including 10 with heart diseases. According to the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, all the participants showed improved health, but those with cardiovascular diseases showed more progress. In addition, saffron has been found to be the richest source of riboflavin. The blood and severity of atherosclerosis, thus reducing the chances of heart attacks. It may be one of the prime reasons that in Spain, where Saffron is consumed liberally, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is quite low. The crocetin present in saffron is found to increase the yield of antibiotics. Two compounds of safranal are supposed to increase antibacterial and antiviral physiological activity in the body. Cardiovascular Effects of Saffron: An Evidence-Based Review

African Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology – 2010
Topic: Saffron as anti-cancer and anti-tumor
Cancer continues to represent the largest cause of mortality in the world and claims over 6 million lives each year. An extremely promising strategy for cancer prevention today is chemoprevention, which is defined as the use of synthetic or natural agents (alone or in combination) to block the development of cancer in human beings. Plants, vegetables, herbs and spices used in folk and traditional medicine have been accepted currently as one of the main sources of cancer chemopreventive drug discovery and development. This review gives an overview from one of this herbs and spices that is saffron. The chemical composition of saffron has attracted the interest of several research groups during the last decades, and among the estimated more than 150 volatile and several nonvolatile compounds of saffron, approximately 40 – 50 constituents have already been identified. Oral administration of saffron extract inhibited the growth of mouse tumors that were derived from three different kinds of cancer cells and significantly increased the life spans of treated tumor-bearing mice. Impact of saffron as an anti-cancer and anti-tumor herb

Journal Of Clinical Pharmacy And Therapeutics – 2010
Topic: Saffron and mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease
Herbal medicines have been used in the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia but with variable response. Crocus sativus L.(saffron) may inhibit the aggregation and deposition of amyloid ß in the human brain and may therefore be useful in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Forty-six patients with probable AD were screened for a 16-week, double-blind study of parallel groups of patients with mild to moderate AD. The psychometric measures, which included AD assessment scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog), and clinical dementia rating scale-sums of boxes, were performed to monitor the global cognitive and clinical profiles of the patients. Patients were randomly assigned to receive capsule saffron 30mg/day (15mg twice per day) (Group A) or capsule placebo (two capsules per day) for a 16-week study.

The Vision Centre At The University Of Sydney -February 2010
Topic: Saffron and Loss of Sight
University Purta, Malaysia 2010
Topic: Antioxidant Properties of Saffron
Saffron stigmas were found to possess antioxidant activity, hence, saffron is a promising natural product in this respect. Different solvents affected the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the extracts and led to the observation of different antioxidative efficacy. The gallic acid and pyrogallol as bioactive compounds present in saffron stigma contributed in its antioxidant activity. It is suggested that saffron stigma besides being colorant could play a role as antioxidant source, which might enhance the quality of the products in functional foods, beverages, drinks, pharmaceutical and cosmaceutical industries.
Journal Of Psychopharmacology Berlin/ Heidelberg - 2010
Topic: Saffron and Alzheimer
The possible efficacy of saffron (Crocus sativus) in the management of memory loss. Saffron was found to be as effective as donepezil in the treatment of mild-to moderate Alzheimer disease. Administration of saffron 30mg/day (15 mg twice daily) was found to be as effective as donepezil for treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer Disease in the subjects of 55 years and older.
British Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology – 2008
Topic: Saffron and PMS
Supplementing with saffron could bring relief to women suffering from PMS. The double blind placebo controlled study included 50 women between the ages of 20 and 45 who had regular menstrual cycles and had experience PMS symptoms for six months or longer. The coup of women was randomly divided to either get a 15 milligram (15mg) supplement of saffron or a capsule placebo twice a day for two menstrual cycles. The women taking the saffron supplement experience significant relief both in terms of PMS and depression symptoms as compared to the women who took a placebo capsule.
Journal Of Ethnopharmacology -2004
Topic: Saffron and Depression
Taking 30 Milligrams Of Saffron A Day For 6 Weeks Has The Same Depression Reducing Properties As 20 Milligrams Of Fluoxetine (Prozac). The Objective Was To Assess The Efficacy Of The Stigmas Of Crocus Sativus (Saffron) In The Treatment Of Mild To Moderate Depression In A 6-Week Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled And Randomized Trial. Forty Adult Outpatients Who Met The Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition For Major Depression Based On The Structured Clinical Interview For DSM IV Participated In The Trial.